Bitcoin Transaction simulation

pic of my bitcoin simulation prgram running

I did this project at the beginning of the year when I was taking python at Santa Monica College. The idea is to simulate the trasactiion to buy a bitcoin or part of a Bitcoin. The way my program simulated the bitcoin transaction is by keeping track of the bitcoin price as it changes. Every time, you make a transaction the bitcoin price changes thru a random generator that has a range of values of what the price could be. It also keeps track of the history of transactions made. I want to eventually evolve this project, so it gets the price of bitcoin live from the market.

The enterity of theis project was done in python and if you want to see the source code click on the image.

Search Engine Technology

search engine picture

This project was a group project for our CS 429 class which is search engines. The project was to recreate a search engine and its functions in a test library. The parts I collaborated on was on making the test library into a bit format that way, breaking down the test library by word or every two words. I also help on making the logical search algorithms and part of the ranking search algorithms.

I do not have test library anymore and the entirety of this project was coded on Java. If you click on the image, it will take top the repository on GitHub.